BMW Rules ... B and B

Somethings happenin' here, But I ain't sure what yet.

The Junk Drawer Interview (at last)

Posted by Beamer at 1:33 AM

October 6th, 2008

Guys, I have been most fortunate to land an Interview With Kathy of Junk Drawer Fame. I think she is one amazing blogger and a very witty and crafty writer. I fell in love with her blog and her great sense of Humor. It got a little dicey here last minute about when to post it, but here it is, the first of two parts. Enjoy.

Beamer: Kathy, the Junk Drawer is a very popular Blog. How many years have you been working at this blog?

Kathy: First, thank you for inviting me. No one ever asked to interview me before. This is so Barbara Walters Special! I’ve been blogging since July 29, 2007. Sometimes it feels like an eternity because of the work involved in keeping it up, and sometimes I feel like I just started yesterday because I swear I still don’t know what I’m doing.

Beamer: Do You still do repairs on your Dad's Computer?

Kathy: Amazingly, no. My Dad is able to solve a lot of his own problems because he’s not afraid to poke around (carefully) and educate himself. The support session I gave him, documented in my very first post, came right after we got him the computer. But since then, he’s taken care of his issues mostly independently. I’m so proud of him. He’s the only 80-something guy in his apartment complex who owns a computer and I think that’s pretty awesome. Old geeks rule, too!

Beamer: Have you Given up on trying to get your Dad to update stuff anymore?

Kathy: I have given up trying to get his stand-alone Slingo game to work because he runs the Vista operating system, and the game he wants isn’t supported for Vista. But he makes do with the online version (although that doesn’t stop him from complaining about it). Oh, little tip. My Dad says if you don’t use email, you don’t get any spam! He’s serious.

Beamer: You seem to be pretty close to your sister. Are you older than her?

Bobby: Why would you ask her that?

Beamer: Because I'm conducting this interview that's why.

Bobby: But you didn't even tell me you were going to do this. Not fair.

Beamer: Did you ask me if you could ask Amy questions?

Bobby: Fine.

Kathy: Can I answer now?

Beamer: Don't mind him. He's jealous.

Kathy: Ok, about my Sister. Ann is two and a half years older than me, but we feel very twin-like since we were attached at the hip growing up. My eldest sister, Marlene, is 13 years older than me and so we didn’t share as many experiences together as young ones. We’ve actually gotten closer as we age, which I love. It’s like we started our sisterhood all over again!

Beamer: Do you and your sister get along pretty good?

Kathy: Yes, although she would tell you that our childhood living arrangements were challenging at times. We shared a bedroom. She was (and still is) an organized neat freak and I’m very much a slob. She hated how I’d toss clothes and other belongings all over the room. Fed up, one day she laid a piece of masking tape right down the middle of the floor. “Your crap stays on your side. Got it?” The tape remained until she moved away from home.

Bobby: Man, I should have done that with you.

Beamer: Would you shut up.

Kathy : But I thought you wanted to Interview me?

Beamer: No Kathy, not you. My Brother.

Kathy: Your Brother?

Beamer: Yeah, he's .. well, he was just right here.

Kathy: I didn't see any one else.

Beamer: Not to change the subject but How long have you been doing Technical Customer Service with Computers?

Kathy: Eight years. I started out in an accounting data control job I didn’t love, but it gave me a chance to learn more about computing systems and desktop support. I eventually became the person everyone went to for PC help and when a tech services job opened up, I applied and got it. It’s a very stressful job, but it’s never the same day twice. A boring job would surely kill me.

Part 1 of 2

Comments (12)

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Kathy and I met in Toronto this summer (Along with her sister Ann and niece Regan) and let me tell you that you really don't get to know a person unless you meet them !
And Kathy's a lot awesomer !
(I think that meeting's improved my writing and the number of comments on my posts too ! LOL!)
I love Kathy's blog too. What a great idea to interview her! I think it's awesome her dad can actually use his computer! My dad jsut had way too many problems at 88 to be able to do it. That's a great tip on how to avoid spam!
Well, it's good to get to know more about Kathy. Her blog is only a part of her personality. The Junk Drawer is one of the first blogs I found and I never miss a post!
I discovered her through Entrecard. I try not to miss many posts either. She is pretty special.

I found Kathy's blog through Entrecard, too! Her blog is awesome. It was fun to learn more stuff about her.
1 reply · active 859 weeks ago
That's good, Daisy. I'm not sure it's possible to get to much Kathy.

Let's here it for Kathy and the Junk Drawer! And I can't wait for part 2 of this very sophisticated interview.
Yes, lets hear it for Kathy.

I'd say part 2 just may be more sophisticated than part 1.

I'm a huge Junk Drawer fan, so I'm very happy to read about the lovely and talented Kathy. Looking forward to Part 2!
JD - uhm, both parts 1 and 2 are out already. Part 2 is sitting on top of Part 1, So actually Part 2 is sorta kinda part 1 if you look at it now, but but part 1 got posted first. That's it. I wish Now I had a part 3 for you.

Oh, Kathy!

Ok, now I understand - You guys are following the link from Kathy's Blog. So you need to go back up to the top and click on the BMW Rules ... B and B and go to the Home Page.

This isn't the Home Page.

Or you could Click on the Kathy Category, which will strt you out with Part 2 of the Interview. I'm sorry Blogger can be so weird at times.


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