BMW Rules ... B and B

Somethings happenin' here, But I ain't sure what yet.

This year is just

Posted by Beamer at 1:25 AM

June 27th, 2008

Beamer: Flying By.

Beam_er; Yeah, you can pretty much Kiss June good bye. July 4th is just around the corner.

Beamer: Ooh, I love the 4th. Its always so pretty with all the fireworks.

Beam_er: But the Govenator doesn't want us to buy any this year because of all the fires and smoke.

Beamer: But ... But, No Fireworks?

Beam_er: We can still go up on the roof and watch them shoot them off at the College.

Beamer: Aw man, it's not the same.

Beam_er: Ok, we'll get you some sparklers.

Beamer: Goody goody.

Beam_er: Doesn't take much to make you happy.