BMW Rules ... B and B

Somethings happenin' here, But I ain't sure what yet.
Posted by Beamer at 4:37 PM

August 8th, 2008

Bobby: So he's going on a cruise?

Beamer: Seems that way. A cruise ... That's on a boat right?

Bobby: Yeah, that is where they usually take place.

Beamer: I couldn't handle that.

Bobby: Well, it's not like deep sea fishing.

Beamer: You sure, cause remember when we went deep sea fishing with Dad?

Bobby: Well, the other fishermen enjoyed it.

Beamer: Yeah, I guess all my ralphing over the side attracted some pretty good size fish.

Bobby: No, a cruise ship is Huge, like a small island almost.

Beamer: I still don't think so.

Bobby: Changing the subject, I guess we have to change the title of this thing or at least the explanation under it.

Beamer: Four Brothers with some thing more in common than two dads. Four brothers, two here , two there, but sharing stuff that most brothers either here or there don't share. Four brothers, two more than Two Brothers.

Bobby: I think I'll leave that to Dave.

Beamer: Yeah, a coming back off your cruise present.

Bobby: He'll enjoy that.

Beamer: That is what I'm thinking.